What is PLAYMOBIL pro? For whom it is useful?

PLAYMOBIL pro is the ideal business tool for modern presentations and meetings, and shakes up dry, theoretical discussions. The attractive figures and fun accessories are guaranteed to magic a smile on everybody’s face and serve to loosen up serious subject areas.   

PLAYMOBIL pro is geared towards modern Start-Ups, professionals in creative workshops, Inhouse trainers, as well as service providers and consultants in the business sector. The kit can be used to picture key stakeholders, or for visualizing processes in the consumer-goods industry, logistics and Supply Chain Management. Another application is in the education sector, allowing teachers to illustrate and convey more challenging aspects of the school curriculum. This is nothing new though; psychologists and educational therapists already use PLAYMOBIL figures and accessories with their patients to depict relationships and situations between people. Especially in the therapeutic sector, using the correct tools might well be the key to faster recovery, where language might not be the most effective means of communication.

PLAYMOBIL’s assortment offers a unique range of themed sets and accessories, which makes it the ideal tool for encouraging creative thinking. The kit’s abstract figures can be personalised with stickers and marker pens, and you can even order expansion kits online to create every situation imaginable.

PLAYMOBIL isn’t just for kids. Its focus on role-play is also fun for adults, and has applications in the workplace, where it can be used to develop creative solutions. While at PLAYMOBIL the figurine takes center stage, in companies it is the employees who work together to implement new ideas and solutions, and to develop their corporate strategies. Recording and documenting the results of your meetings couldn’t be easier – just take a picture with your smartphone and share it with colleagues and clients.

An unparalleled advantage of the figures’ neutrality is that they are not linguistically or culturally exclusive. Engaging with a more hands-on medium helps individuals be less dependent on words and to express themselves better. Cooperation between international teams can particularly benefit from the modelling kit, especially if language proficiency on one or both sides is not sufficient; thought processes can easily be understood, even if there is a lack of verbal exchange.

The practical carry-case design lends the system mobility and versatility, so that professionals can bring the kit to meetings and functions in different locations, while the sectioned trays and tangible size of the figures makes it easier to keep the box tidy.

There are no strict guidelines on the application of the figures or accessories. Instead, it is supposed to support all kinds of modern working methods and management trends, such as Design Thinking and Change Management. Working with PLAYMOBIL is innovative, international and limitless in terms of creativity.

So, what are you waiting for? BE A PRO. START CREATING.